Selfless or Selfish

I’ll never forget when the sweet little old lady in one of our churches who didn’t come to know Christ until much much later in life,  told my husband ” Pastor I don’t want to tell other people about Jesus, because I want to keep Him all to myself. I don’t want to give Him away!” What this little lady didn’t realize is that the more we share Jesus with others the more real He becomes to us and in us. His love grows as we share Him. We don’t lose Him. To not give Jesus away is a selfish act and if we are going to be Christ-like we need to be selfless just like He was, when He gave His life for us on the cross.

I was reading an article today by Jason Inman from Life.Church where he shares some examples of selfish things we say all the time and then the selfless option that Christ would really like us to see. Take a look at what he says,

  1. When we pay off our debt, we’ll start giving more.

Selfless: We’ll give and not hold back. (Proverbs 21:26)

  1. The neighbors are driving down the value of my home.

Selfless: Hey, I know you’ve been busy lately, and I have an open weekend. When’s a good time to come help with your yard? I know you’d do the same for me. (Matthew 7:12)

  1. I’m sure someone else has already invited them to church.

Selfless: Do you want to come church with me? You’d be welcome to join us for lunch afterward, too. (Matthew 28:19)

  1. Maybe next time.

Selfless: You know what? I’d love to. (Luke 6:30)

  1. I wish I could help you, but I don’t have any cash on me.

Selfless: How are you? Can we get you someplace warm to eat? (Luke 10:25-37)

  1. I want to pray more, but the morning is like a circus in my house.

Selfless: When I put God first, everything else gets in line. (Proverbs 3:6)

  1. That’s great, but did you hear what I did?

Selfless: *nods *smiles *listens (James 1:19)

  1. I worked hard for what I have—they can do the same.

Selfless: I share with others because Jesus said that’s how I share with Him. (Matthew 25:40)

  1. Sorry sweetheart, Daddy’s really busy.

Selfless: Puts down phone, “Come here. Will you show me that again?” (Matthew 19:14)

  1. I’ll serve and volunteer more when I retire or when I have less work.

Selfless: I started serving, and now it’s like a breath of fresh air every week. (Proverbs 11:25)

Often times what we don’t realize is that we all make choices everyday that either shows Christ love or shows our selfish side. This sweet little lady, had found a love like she had never had before, so she was afraid that she would lose this amazing love she had found if she gave it away. But I am here to say, we are never more like Christ, than when we give love away.

Part of walking with Christ is dying to ourselves and doing what God wants us to do. I believe He uses everyday experiences for us to practice that death. We don’t want to over commit ourselves at church, because we like our freedom and the ability to not have to be at church each week when we just don’t feel like it. So we refuse to volunteer at church. See we are thinking of ourselves first. Maybe you are a busy parent and it is much easier to stay in bed then to get up and spend time with God. But we know ultimately, spending time with God is what we need to be the best parent we can be.

The truth is though, we do what we want to do. That is why we have to teach ourselves to deny our wants and do God’s will.  So why not this week lets make a conscious effort to think before we speak and choose to do what He would do? Before we say “No, or I can’t” Why not ask yourself “What would Jesus Do?”. “Is there an bigger eternal purpose to this situation?”, “Could God use this for His glory in this?”

I am thankful, that our sweet little friend discovered the joy of giving herself away and showing Christ love in practical ways before she passed away. Even in her ill health, with many physical issues that caused her at times to not even be able to get out of bed and when she did, she walked with a walker. She allowed God to use her, by writing notes and cards to people. She sent the we missed you cards and birthday cards out for the church. She also used the phone and computer to encourage others. Before she passed she made it her mission to encourage others and she didn’t let her disability keep her from it.

I think when we stop looking at the mirror and begin looking at our life through a magnifying glass and ask God to help us see with His eyes than we will have a different perspective of what we should be doing. Less of me and more of God needs to be our motto this week.